
I have had a bad day. It was a day of talking to myself. Nobody seemed to listen to anything I had to say. Ned and Sam are both lost in books. I swear neither of them would hear a fire alarm go off if they were reading. And Mica just keeps on doing what he isn’t suppose to even though I have said no 5 times and I am now screaming at him and racing to stop him before he can turn the knob on the stove. So what do I do? I come here to talk to myself some more because I haven’t shared this blog with anybody yet. I did mention to a friend that I was writing a blog. I really should give her the name, but I don’t know if I can handle the judgment that having somebody I know read my words could involve. I want to be able to pour my heart out like I have so far and discuss my kids and their strengths and weaknesses without worrying about what anybody else thinks. But should I really come here and continue talking to myself?

Turning One

Mica has turned one and I can’t believe it. So how about a run down on what he is up to:

  • Weighs in at 21 lbs and 30 inches tall

  • 6 teeth, 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom

  • Just started trying to walk independently in the last week (a major departure from Ned who walked so well when he turned one that he participated in a mile walk for Alzheimer), but he took 12 steps to travel from the chair across the room to the tv stand to celebrate twelve months.

  • He says Mama, Dada, Ball (baa), Duck, Dog, Water (wa with fingers to mouth), and even combined ball and water while playing with his new water table

  • His receptive vocabulary is overwhelming. He will go to many named objects including picking up a red ball and then a blue ball when asked to find them. He even surprised grandma by going to pick up his toy car when she was discussing her car.

  • He has a signature look. Whenever he meets anybody, he lowers his chin and looks up at them with a pout and lowered eyebrows. Most of the time people react with “oh my, he doesn’t like me,” but then he will follow up with a smile. The other day at lunch however, an older man was sitting at a nearby table and he just kept giving him the look. The man was friendly and tried to make him smile but Mica wouldn’t budge and just kept giving him the evil eye. On the other hand yesterday he flirted big time with a little old lady with no hint of the signature look.

  • He is mostly sleeping through the night, although he seems to think that 6am is the perfect time to start his day, we would prefer 7:30 or even 9, which was Ned’s M.O. at this age.

  • Speaking of sleep he hums/groans/sings/creaks like an ancient ship in a hurricane… yeah something like that… when he is putting himself to sleep

  • He seems to have a very high pain tolerance. He does not cry easily when he gets a bump or falls down (although he cries bloody murder over getting his diaper changed). At his doctors appointment he got 4 shots and a blood draw and other then fighting and screaming about being held down he took it like a champ.

  • His favorite foods include bananas, blueberries, peaches, strawberries (really any fruit), pickles, olives, cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, oatmeal and sweet potato. He will eat a hamburger, unlike his brother but he doesn’t like other meat or eggs. When he doesn’t like something or is tired of it he starts throwing pieces on the floor.

  • He loves to play with toys. He loves balls of all kinds. He likes to put things into and take them out of containers. He has begin to enjoy books and flips pages like a pro. He has 3 different toy pianos and likes to make music.

  • He thinks he can swim. He will crawl into the zero entry pool and just keep going until he is completely under water. He moves his body like he is swimming but if we let go he will sink. He loves going down the little slide and will climb up the stairs as quickly as possible so that he can go down by himself on his tummy instead of going down on his bottom. He is a dare devil.